How Much Does It Cost to Boil an Electric Kettle?
Hot water drinks are an absolute must for getting through the working week for many of us, so lots...
Benefits of Bean to Cup Coffee Machines for Small Offices
No matter the size of your office, your team of employees will likely be drinking coffee throughout the day....
How Easy Is It To Switch Water Cooler Providers?
Water coolers in the office or workplace can prove extremely valuable amongst your employees, however, this ultimately depends on...
Are Water Coolers Expensive to Run?
Having cool, fresh and filtered water on demand in your workplace keeps you and your employees hydrated all day...
What Are the Benefits of Drinking Water?
It’s common knowledge that drinking water is good for you and there is a recommended amount of water you...
Water Cooler Machine Type Buying Guide
Are you thinking of buying a water cooler for your workspace? No matter where you work, whether it’s in...
Water Cooler Has Not Been Serviced in Years, What To Do?
When choosing to install a water cooler for your office space, you are choosing to have refreshing, pure-filtered water...
How Much Water Should I Drink?
It is common knowledge that we all need to drink water in order to survive. Making up to 70%...
How Do Instant Hot Water Taps Work?
Instant hot water taps have been a godsend to schools, offices, and other work environments over the years. Having...
Should I Purchase or Rent a Water Dispenser?
When looking for a convenient and cost-effective solution for providing your business access to clean, refreshing drinking water, you...